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Why are ABOG and AOBOG Exams So Stressful?

  • September 23, 2016

As physicians we face stress daily. However being in an oral exam setting seems to resurrect two aspects of stress we may not face on a daily basis.  So exactly how so you define stress and how can we conquer the stress we will face going into the oral boards? To most people 'stress' conveys to mind something unpleasant. But many psychologists write on stress as something that can have favorable effects. Why the confusion? The rationalities lie in how an individual appraises his or her own psychological and physiologic state. A few examples could assist to clear the point.…

Avoid Failing Your OBGYN Boards

  • September 16, 2016

Over the years I have met hundreds of brilliant young Ob/Gyn physicians.  It is an honor to get a chance to teach and mentor.  It's disheartening to hear the horror stories of those who fail their ABOG or ABOOG exam the cost is great "” losing jobs, marriages, hospital privileges. Surprisingly most of these candidates are American medical school graduates, subspecialist  and finished at well established residencies and are top earners in their field.   I take pride in mentoring these physicians and together figuring out exactly what needs to be done differently. I can tell you with certainty the one…

Why do people panic studying for ABOG/ AOBOG?

  • September 13, 2016

People panic when studying for the ABOG / AOBOG because it's scary. A lot of people finish residency procrastinate on taking their oral boards and then panic and take it with only 1-2 attempts left (new rules apply you have take orals 6 years from graduating residency). Unfortunately many candidates are not in academic settings have not been keeping up with ACOG standards and try to play 5 years of catch-up in 3 months before the exam.  The result, yup you've guessed it board failure. I can not stress how important it is to read daily you get the green…